I've been busy working on the layout extensions. Here are a couple of photos. The first one shows the extended mainline as per the diagram in the previous post. The grey square is a marker for where the station building will be. The second photo shows one of the 'end' sections, the one where the pagoda will be sited.
I have set up some bridge sides to show where the river will cross the board, and also added the backboard for the other 'straight' section. The end section at the other end wasn't quite complete when these photos were taken so can be seen leaning up against the original section.
The third photo shows the current state of the original section. When I moved reidence some scenery bits fell off so have to be replaced. Also note the the arrangement of the 'city' buildings has changed as well as installation of 'footpaths/sidewalks'. These are still to be painted.
One thing I did notice was that the Vietnamese flag is upside down! That will definitely have to be fixed!
I'll post some more photos when the track is laid and the other end section is fitted. I intend to keep each section separate so that if I have to move again (which is highly likely) I can dismantle the layout and take it with me, or take it to an exhibition to display.
See ya later...
Friday, September 23, 2011
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Back on Track (excuse the pun)...
After a long period of time engaging in very little modelling of any kind I'm now back on track as far as my VN modelling is concerned.
Earlier this year I went through a change in my marital status, my residence and my employment status, and now that my life seems to have settled down a bit it seems that I have more time again to indulge in modelling the railways of Vietnam.
During the time since my last blogg I visited Việt Nam for the third time and took more photos which I will I'm sure find useful in modelling.
As far as my DSVN module is concerned, the plans now call for it to become an actual operating layout with an extension already being built to house a station building (Ga) and two end sections planned to bring the mainline around to the back and a planned 'fiddle' yard. I plan to have a Bhuddist Pagoda on one of the end sections and farms/rural scenes on the other. Below is a plan of what I hope the layout will look like. The plan will probably change quite a bit, but at last I have something on paper. The section with the engine shed is the original diorama.
Of course the plan has always been to display the module, and with the extensions this now becomes an operating layout to be presented to the public at some stage.
There's still a lot to do but at least the project is 'moving forward' as our business people and politicians like to say.
I'll try to put up some photos in the next blogg. I'll also be getting back to updating the 'Modelling the Railways of Vietnam' website as soon as possible.
Until next time.......
Earlier this year I went through a change in my marital status, my residence and my employment status, and now that my life seems to have settled down a bit it seems that I have more time again to indulge in modelling the railways of Vietnam.
During the time since my last blogg I visited Việt Nam for the third time and took more photos which I will I'm sure find useful in modelling.
As far as my DSVN module is concerned, the plans now call for it to become an actual operating layout with an extension already being built to house a station building (Ga) and two end sections planned to bring the mainline around to the back and a planned 'fiddle' yard. I plan to have a Bhuddist Pagoda on one of the end sections and farms/rural scenes on the other. Below is a plan of what I hope the layout will look like. The plan will probably change quite a bit, but at last I have something on paper. The section with the engine shed is the original diorama.
Of course the plan has always been to display the module, and with the extensions this now becomes an operating layout to be presented to the public at some stage.
There's still a lot to do but at least the project is 'moving forward' as our business people and politicians like to say.
I'll try to put up some photos in the next blogg. I'll also be getting back to updating the 'Modelling the Railways of Vietnam' website as soon as possible.
Until next time.......
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