Saturday, August 7, 2010

On the way home.....

Well here I am back in Saigon due to return to Australia tonight.

On Thursday I had a wander around Saigon Station. Lots of different carriage types and yard shunter D9E 217 doing its thing.

On Tuesday I came from Thap Cham to Saigon by train (SE5). A very pleasant 6 hour journey, with a D19E (type 2) on the point. I sat up but no problem. The train was about 1 hour late (shades of the Up Melbourne-Sydney XPT!), Though since it had started two days before at Hanoi, no problem.

There was a D4H pottering around Thap Cham yard but it was labelled in what looked like Russian Characters and had a number in the 2000s. Don't know why.

The trains I saw both freight and passenger where all pulled by D19Es of both types. I presume other types are around.

I got some photos of tank cars and boxcars, as well as the station. Also interesting, a track vehicle (GM07) with a wagon behind. There was another one in Saigon (GM08) with a similar wagon. Looks like they use it to pick up rubbish or rubble around the track.

At Saigon I took 'walkaround' photos of the 141 class 2-8-2 steam locomotive displayed outside the station. So I now have plenty of detail shots. Enough to do some drawings? Maybe.

Oh, well back to the real world tonight. Lots of photos to work on and put up on my website.

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