Saturday, April 27, 2013

Yes, we have no bananas....

A  new post seems to becoming an annual event!

I apologize for being so slack. But you'd be surprised how much I have done since the last post. The basic layout is all but complete with all track laid including a completed 3 road fiddle yard, lots of scenery in place and the ability to actually run trains.

I've almost completed my XT brake van:

Only the lettering and a bit of weathering to do. I still have the problem of not having the correct bogies but I do plan to try to create 'look alike' ones even if they are not perfect.

Locomotives are still an issue, but after a couple of aborted attempts to 'kitbash' models, I feel that it would actually be simpler to scratchbuild them, so that's what I intend to do. There is an Australian N scale model of an Alco based diesel electric made by Gopher Models which is almost perfect as a chassis.

There was an article in an edition of the British model railway magazine "Continental Modeller" of a modeller building Indian locomotives, one being a YDM4 (we know it as a D13E class). The modeller used a similar Australian HO scale model. So what's good enough for HO has got to be even better for N! It's not perfect but not bad. At least it's a reasonably quick way to get a locomotive up and running. The N Scale model is available unpainted. I've ordered 2 (maybe for one red and one blue!)

I am also currently building a model of a G 50ft covered van (you know the green ones). Hopefully I will be able to make a rubber mould from the original and then make some copies.

A member of the Vietnam Railways Forum recently directed me to some very nice scratchbuilt N Scale models of DSVN freight cars.

I would like to tell you the name of the modeller but I don't know. I'm still trying to make contact with him. He has set a very high standard. It's great to see Vietnamese modellers tackling subjects from their own country.

And the bananas? I'm still looking for N scale banana trees for my layout.


  1. Have you considered 3D printed rolling stock? I do that sort of thing as a business, an could provide them at reasonable cost.


