Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Lazy Days...Dream Away....

I have to admit that despite all my plans for the weekend, not a lot happened! The most exciting bit was getting into contact with the owner of the paper models I mentioned in my last ramble. I have now downloaded a D9E, D11H, D12E, D13E, D19E and D20E. I've printed the D12E in approximately N scale and will assemble it and see what I get. I add a photo to the blog when it's ready.

The drawings are very good, and if nothing else they will make excellent plans for my styrene bodies. The owner has allowed me to make them available for download at my Modelling the Railways of Vietnam website, so as I said, they can be used as plans, or just to produce quick card models.

I think they are approximately HO scale (1:87) but there does seem to be a problem with the D19E and D20E, where they seem to be too long (or perhaps a bit squashed?) when printed on my printer.

I also tried printing a page of various posters, advertisements etc from Vietnam. They look pretty good, so I'll make them available on the website as well.

Give me a couple of days to get them up. I'm really hoping our benefactor will be able to do some more models, perhaps passenger cars or freight wagons?

So I suppose I did achieve something over the weekend. Just not what I had originally planned!

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