Tuesday, July 20, 2010


I haven't had a lot of time recently to do any actual modelling as I've been getting ready for my trip to Vietnam. My main advances are in the form of adding the pagoda to the module as well as working on the roads and adding a couple of other buildings.

I also have a second sheet of Vietnamese posters/advertisments to put up on the website. This sheet includes a couple of flags as well. Like any country these days, there are always plenty of flags flying, particularly on government and semi-government buildings, so any module would appear 'naked' without them.

I finally got to assemble the pagoda which wasn't all that difficult. The Japanese kits go together without any glue, they sort of just clip together, and as noted above I'm now adding them to the module. I think I've overestimated the space I've got for buildings on the layout, so I keep on moving them around to get the best effect.

The roads are being made using a dark grey card I found at my local art supply shop. After the sections are glued in place I'll paint the surface with a 'dirty' grey mix of acrylic paints.

Once the roads are in place I can work on other scenic bits and pieces such as vacant land, the work area around the workshop/engine shed and finish ballasting the track.

And of course I still have a locomotive to build and more rolling stock.

It never ends! Being away for a couple of weeks is going to cramp my style a bit but I hope to get some good pikkies to help with making a more realistic module, so it will be worth it.

I'll try to keep the blog going while I'm away, when I can access a computer... mainly comments about my trip.

So, if you live in Saigon, and you see me wandering around with camera in hand in the next couple of weeks, say hello...

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