Sunday, June 9, 2013

The Beginning of the End......?

These are the last photos of Ga Hong Ha in it's present form. In the next couple of days it will be taken apart and moved to it's new home (just up the hall and around the corner). How long it will be before it's in its new format is any ones guess, but it is a hobby, so the rebuild has to fit in with all the other tasks I have to perform, like work etc...

Above: Probably the most complete part of the layout. Still not totally happy with the colour of the river.

 Above: Looking down on the river area from a great height.

Above: Part of the cityscape, including the scratchbuilt level crossing gates.
Above: Another part of the layout starting to look almost 'finished' (if a layout ever is finished!) That's my scratchbuilt XT brakevan in the background and my pretend G covered van on the adjacent track.
Above: This is the other end with an attempt at rice paddies.
Above: This is the three track 'fiddle yard' at the back. Unfortunately the new version probably won't have enough space for an equivalent.
Above: The new station building in place with my card D19E hiding behind some container wagons.
Above: A long shot of most of the layout. What a messy garage!
Above: The bridge and the pagoda behind up on the hill. The bridge courtesy of Mr. Kato.
Above: Another view of the 'city' with two foreign locomotives 'on shed'. 
Above: The engine shed. If you look very carefully you will see the start of a military monument in the background.

That's all I've got for this time, but one more photo. It's the card station I downloaded. Not finished but looks good already I think.

Hopefully I'll have some photos of the move in progress next time.

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